
フランス パリ、モンマルトルでの展示会のレビュー の一部 だけど、褒めすぎ^^;


Thank you very much for this wonderful work!!!  Love from Colombia
このすばらしい作品に感謝! コロンビアより愛をこめて

Thank you for sharing this beautiful work. (U.S.A.)

Your work is inspiring. (Toronto, Canada)

I enjoyed the photographs of the dance festival. The photos were moving. They made us feel as if we were watching the dances and we were a part of the dances. (U.S.A.)
わたしは、よさこい祭りの写真を楽しみました。感動しました。 まるで踊りを目の前で見ているよう。 そして、自分たちが踊りの中にいるようでした。

This is a deep breath in an ancient magic country… Thank you.  ( Italy)
いにしえの魔法の国で、胸いっぱいに息を吸った感じ。 ありがとう。

Really beautiful pictures! Thank you for making us find the traditional craft of your country.   Best Regards, ( France)
ほんどうに美しい写真だ! あなたの国の伝統技術をおしえてくれてありがとう。

This exhibition is a wonderful way to connect ancient and modern, the far and the close. 
I enjoyed it. (Federios, Italy)

Beautiful work! You captured such an interesting process from an artistic perspective. Thank you for sharing. (U.S.A.)
美しい仕事! あなたは、とても興味深い工程を芸術的観点からとらえた。

Great images in black and white! They’re capturing intense emotions. (Toronto, Canada) 
白黒のすばらしい写真! 強烈な感情をとらえている。

Your work is very inspirational for me and other artists as well. (Toronto, Canada)

A very interesting technique! I love the whole process, its environment: materials, colors, hard work and details. All of those things led to a beautiful result. Thanks for preserving and showing us this beautiful technique. (Portugal)
とっても面白い技術! そのすべての工程が、環境が大好き。 材料、色、大変な仕事、そして、詳細にいたるまで、すべてがあるからこそ美しい結果が生まれた。 

I’m delighted to see the pictures and the fantastic work of this artist. (Switzerland)

Fabulous work!!  This is great inspiration for young artists. (Ireland)
すばらしい仕事!! これは若い芸術家たちに凄いインスピレーションを与えてくれるね

Good work and a lot of patience! Very special and interesting!
いい仕事をしているね、そしてたくさんの忍耐! とてもスペシャルで、面白かった。

Too great photos!! Very powerful! Hope to see some more!
凄すぎる写真! とても力強い! もっと見たいな。

I think it’s fantastic. A glimpse into a special world!(U.S.A.)
素敵だと思う。 スペシャルな世界を一見! 

This is an amazing craftsmanship. What a treasure…a very educational exhibition. I’m really intrigued by the patience and the artistic capability. Thank you. (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

I was impressed by the yellow sheet teaching us that you spent three weeks getting up at six in the morning and working with the man all day long. (Germany)

For me, as a person interested in Asian cultures, it’s very nice to see Japanese culture in different countries from different angles. I really enjoyed the exposition! (Lithuania)
It’s a lovely peaceful exhibition. I enjoyed the story of both the dancing and copper-making. (U.K.)

There’s nothing more beautiful than the work of the hands. (U.S.A.)

This evokes much respect for this passionate peaceful artist. (Washington D.C., U.S.A.)

I enjoyed the photographs of the dance festival. I enjoyed how some of the photos were not in traditional patterns…they were so interesting because they made you feel like you were watching these dance. (Alabama, U.S.A.)

Excellent pictures!! The light, contrast, expressions, everything is absolutely fantastic. Great jobs!!    (El Salvador)
非常に優れた写真だ! 光、コントラスト、表現、すべてが絶対的にすばらしい。

We were quite surprised to find this gallery and your work on our wandering walk this morning but the work and images made us happy and reminded us of the diligence necessary to become a master of anything. Thank you so much. Good luck! (U.S.A.)

2 件のコメント:

  1. 蝶野敦子さん、お忙しい中翻訳ありがとうございます。

    1. ほんとうにありがとうございました。助かりました。^^


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